Discover Meadow Arnica

Discover Meadow Arnica

Let's talk about a well-known anti-inflammatory herb called Arnica. The variety A. chamissonis is the more cultivated variety whereas A. montana is actually at risk in the wild. If you're purchasing this variety, be sure it's from a reputable

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Medicinal Herb Quick Reference Chart

At Herb & Vine, we believe in the importance of empowering people to grow their medicine cabinets. Whether you start your healing garden from seed, root, cutting, or seedling, we want to help you. Having the knowledge about where to plant, how to care for, and especially how to harvest and use healing plants is critical. This quick reference chart is a tool to help you learn. Visit this page often to get info on some of the most common medicinal plants that grow here in North Georgia. For more in-depth information on each of the healing plants we sell, visit the Our Plant page.  

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